K620T v2.0
Any keyboard really is going to do the trick of course, but the additional features that this keyboard has are kinda awesome for what I need it for. The ability to connect this keyboard to bluetooth means that I can type with my phone as well! Monkeytype can be downloaded on a phone and can be played using this keyboard.
- Oliver Black
Ajazz Diced Fruit Switch
I have been typing with the Peach linear switch from the Ajazz Diced Fruit switch line for about three days now. I really love the sound of them, the weight of them, and can easily compare them to Banana Splits by C^3Equalz X TKC. To me, these feel a tad “heavier” than the Banana Splits and have more of a ‘thock’ sound. They’re audibly pleasing as well as visually pleasing.
- Haley Tyler
K620T V1.0
Essentially a no compromises typing solution for doing homework at starbucks etc. Feels heavy enough, heavier than my chinese mech desktop keyboard I used to use, but lighter than my built desktop keyboard. Perfect balance of weight and build to transportability.
- Father
Ajazz AC064 KIT
very nice 65 percent, put some new keycaps and tuned the stabs and i personally really like it, especially for the price.
- iann